Minutes of Stuart Lake Association Annual Picnic/Meeting
Sept. 19, 2023
President Roger Graves called the meeting to order after a wonderful potluck dinner, thanked Steve Line for the use of the picnic facilities, welcomed everyone and introduced new members. Guests present were Eckford Township Supervisor Bruce Rapp, Township Clerk LeeAnne Blight and Treasurer Teresa Baylis.
Treasurer’s report was read and unanimously approved. Vicki asked those who have not paid their family membership dues of $10.00 for the year, please do so after the meeting.
Diane Graves reminded everyone to refer to our website – www.StuartLakeMichigan.com -- for updated information and photos. Diane maintains the website at no cost to the association and Roger and Diane cover the cost of the Domain name.
David Fhaner reported on the activities at the Brooks Nature Area: Aaron Couch repaired and replaced the park benches as his Eagle Scout Project; spraying and removing of invasive species was done in September; and Dominic Dent of BSA Troop 373 erected a shoe-cleaning station as his Eagle Scout Project. Dave also reported that the BNA is receiving funds that Eckford Township received from the County Parks millage. Township Supervisor Bruce Rapp stated that the funds need to be expended by the end of 2023.
Diane reported there are two issues from last year that were not resolved. The quotes from PLM Lake and Land Management Corp. to provide an aquatic management program for the control of weeds and algae was higher per year than expected. Therefore a Special Property Assessment must be set up to fund the program. The Special Assessment requires many steps — identify the property owners, hold a meeting, create a petition, submit petition to Eckford Twnsp, hold a public hearing and finally establish the amount to be collected through the property tax bill.
The terms of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and two Directors At Large has expired. A new slate of officers was presented, unanimously approved and voted on by the membership. The following are the new officers: President, Jackie Tucker; Vice President, Brendan McCarthy; Secretary, Nancy Chapman; Treasurer, Gregg Strand; Director At Large, Todd Mumaw; and Director At Large David Van Zandt.
Thanks to the previous board for their many years of service to the Stuart Lake Association: Roger Graves, Vicki Knickerbocker, Diane Graves, David Fhaner and Joe Bonato.
Roger asked if there was any more business to discuss. There is a need for someone to fill the place of Chuck and Denise Connelly who did the Water Quality Testing in past years. Joel Henry-Fisher volunteered to be trained and conduct the testing for Stuart Lakes. Diane will forward him the information from the Michigan Lake and Stream Assoc.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Submitted by Diane Graves, Secretary
Sept. 19, 2023
President Roger Graves called the meeting to order after a wonderful potluck dinner, thanked Steve Line for the use of the picnic facilities, welcomed everyone and introduced new members. Guests present were Eckford Township Supervisor Bruce Rapp, Township Clerk LeeAnne Blight and Treasurer Teresa Baylis.
Treasurer’s report was read and unanimously approved. Vicki asked those who have not paid their family membership dues of $10.00 for the year, please do so after the meeting.
Diane Graves reminded everyone to refer to our website – www.StuartLakeMichigan.com -- for updated information and photos. Diane maintains the website at no cost to the association and Roger and Diane cover the cost of the Domain name.
David Fhaner reported on the activities at the Brooks Nature Area: Aaron Couch repaired and replaced the park benches as his Eagle Scout Project; spraying and removing of invasive species was done in September; and Dominic Dent of BSA Troop 373 erected a shoe-cleaning station as his Eagle Scout Project. Dave also reported that the BNA is receiving funds that Eckford Township received from the County Parks millage. Township Supervisor Bruce Rapp stated that the funds need to be expended by the end of 2023.
Diane reported there are two issues from last year that were not resolved. The quotes from PLM Lake and Land Management Corp. to provide an aquatic management program for the control of weeds and algae was higher per year than expected. Therefore a Special Property Assessment must be set up to fund the program. The Special Assessment requires many steps — identify the property owners, hold a meeting, create a petition, submit petition to Eckford Twnsp, hold a public hearing and finally establish the amount to be collected through the property tax bill.
The terms of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and two Directors At Large has expired. A new slate of officers was presented, unanimously approved and voted on by the membership. The following are the new officers: President, Jackie Tucker; Vice President, Brendan McCarthy; Secretary, Nancy Chapman; Treasurer, Gregg Strand; Director At Large, Todd Mumaw; and Director At Large David Van Zandt.
Thanks to the previous board for their many years of service to the Stuart Lake Association: Roger Graves, Vicki Knickerbocker, Diane Graves, David Fhaner and Joe Bonato.
Roger asked if there was any more business to discuss. There is a need for someone to fill the place of Chuck and Denise Connelly who did the Water Quality Testing in past years. Joel Henry-Fisher volunteered to be trained and conduct the testing for Stuart Lakes. Diane will forward him the information from the Michigan Lake and Stream Assoc.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Submitted by Diane Graves, Secretary